Here it 'tis - my first foray into the Blogosphere! Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Michelle Goertz, and I'm an Interior Design Student at Mount Mary College. I am also a wife to the awesomest guy ever, and mom to one 20 month old little boy. I am 31 years old and finally finishing my long-postponed Bachelor's Degree after spending 13 years in denial about my talents and my career aspirations. I worked in Corporate America for years in different jobs before finally waking up and realizing that Design is what I've wanted to do ever since I was a kid.
I owned my own painting and faux finishing business for four years some time back, and I've been painting murals since I was 15. While I was always a self-taught artist, my college classes have been allowing me to further develop my abilities and I've grown leaps and bounds as an artist and designer in one short year.
SO... I'm sure you're wondering "What's in this blog for ME!?" Well, I hope to pass on useful ideas and inspiration, and just provide a fun place to talk about a shared obsession for great design. And of course, since I am a college student (and hence, always perpetually poor) AND a mom - it is my desire to explore inexpensive and kid-friendly items that are also just fantastically designed!
So... here we go! I'd of course love to hear from all of you - my readers. What are your design challenges? Got any new design obsessions and favorites?